Friday, February 20, 2009

An intermediate post about Abby's Quilt

Well, I got it all laid out:

And sewn together:

Now, I have to go buy some of this (I'm going to use cotton this time, more expensive, but also more breathable and easier to sew, or so I hear):

And lots and lots of these:

And I need to track down some more of this (or at the very least something that is the same pink color):

I did the flowers on my embroidery machine, the designs once again are from Designs by Juju. I made the hill appliques on my sewing machine. I ripped strips of varying widths and sewed them together. Lucy's quilt is going to be very similar, but with purple and yellow daisies and a different striped print. I'm using a twin bed sheet for the backing and planning to use cotton or perhaps wool for the batting. I'm going to be sewing designs onto the strips, which I'll post when I get done.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Wow Arlynda, I am so impressed! It'll be beautiful when you are done.