Sunday, December 27, 2009

Felt Foods

This is an informational post for me. I don't have time to make these right now, but I'm getting tired of all the plastic play food that I'm finding around the house and these look like they could be fun (if I don't get tired of all the hand sewing). I'm sure that there are other places that I could get patterns from, but there are a lot of good looking foods here, including sushi. What kid doesn't want to play with felt sushi?

Felt Food Etsy Shop

(The link should work now!)


Mary said...

Who indeed?

Kylene said...

I love those too! My craft blog has become my "what I want to do when all my kids are in school" blog. There are so many cool things that you can make, but there really isn't time for much more than ONE. If that. We should get together and do a kid trade. Take turns watching the other's kids while they sew.
I've been wanting to make quilts for my kids for a while now, but I go to pick-out the fabric and get overloaded with all the prints and patterns and IDEAS and I just can't narrow it down.