Sunday, December 20, 2009

Neglectful Sewing

My sewing machines are getting jealous of my other projects.  Although, I've managed to churn out 4 hooded towels and embroider another one in the past week.  I have been meaning to post the instructions for making those for about a year now... 
I've reorganized my sewing area again.  I can't decide if I should get rid of a bunch of stuff or hang on to it.  The problem is that many many times I'll be in a fix and some of those things that I have left over from other projects, or got from other people come in extremely handy.
After Christmas, I'm not starting any new projects until Abby's quilt is done.  She'll be happy to finally have it after a year of waiting.  Part of the problem is that JoAnn's doesn't sell the pink print that I've been using and it is not exactly a popular color of pink at the moment.  The plan is to head out to a quilt shop to see if I can find something that might work, but I really don't want to take any kids.
That's what has been going on in my craft world.

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